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Parent Resources

Hey lovely, Burns Family! As much as it is important to support students in their educational journey, it is just as important to support you guys! Here are some helpful resources to get involved in your student's learning 


Discount Supplies

I know it can be a struggle getting school supplies with the craziness of Walmart or Target as the school season starts. This website has 80% off on different schools supplies and ships very fast! This is a great tool to use to save some money or save yourself a trip to Walmart.


Guide to Third Grade

This link will take you to a guide to what your student will be learning in the third grade! They have the resource in both English and Spanish, and it is a helpful way to prepare yourself as your child continues in their educational journey. In addition, they have many family resources linked in their website


How to help your student

If you feel that your student is struggling with reading and comprehension skills, this website list how you can help your student outside of the classroom. It gives different ways to connect your student to reading and how to aid them in their struggles. 

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